Frequently asked questions

Do we take insurance?

No, the healthcare reimbursement system commonly dictates availability of services.  In order to provide the most beneficial and innovative treatments, we are self pay.  Do not worry, our therapies are all inclusive and affordable.

Bio-identical hormone medications have the same molecular structure as the ones produced in our body.  Unlike synthetic hormones which are from man-made chemicals, our bio-identical hormones are ethically derived from plants.  Innovation Health uses bio-identical hormones.

We understand the importance of flexibility.  Innovation Health accommodates you by offering choices in frequency of office visits.  Patients have the option to come in weekly or take up to 10 weeks worth of medication home.

This website is a resource for inquiring new patients.  There are additional therapies which Innovation Health provides.  Examples of additional therapies we offer are sexual enhancement and performance enhancement.  Please inquire with a team member for more information.